I've been feeling a little generous this holiday season, and I've decided to give four lucky users on Newgrounds the one year Supporter status! It's my way of giving my personal thank-you to these users, while also supporting @TomFulp's website. It's a win-win for everyone!
I've also done this last year, as a last minute decision after someone gifted me the one year Supporter status. It wasn't meant to be a yearly tradition, but that gift more or less kick-started this tradition.
Thank you again mystery user!
So unlike last year, I've had the chance to really prepare these gifts and truly make them special for the users receiving them.
These users aren't chosen at random, and need to have at least met one of these criterias:
a) Be an artist that left an impact on me (either online or IRL)
b) Be an artist that I follow with a low fan count (around sub 500 fans), and posts frequently enough to not be seen as "dead"
c) Be an artist that inspired my work in some way
[Though I use that one sparingly in order to highlight the smaller artists]
The user must also not have a Supporter status when I'm seeking for candidates. However, if the user somehow receives a supporter status before I'm able to give them one, then I'll try to make arrangements to gift them the status at a later date.
One last thing, in the words of Spider-man:
Meaning, I won't give the Supporter status to the same user twice. Gotta give everyone a chance right?
Now with that out of the way, here are the four lucky users I've given gifts to!
These users will not only receive the Supporter status, but also a personal drawing, and letter from yours truly.
Truly a special gift in my eyes, and I hope these users enjoy it just as much as I did making it.
That's all for now. Next update will be sometime in January where I tally-up what I did this year, and see how much I've improved since last year.
See ya's then!
These people look cool, I’m gonna check ‘em out!