LOL, Really hitting it big aren't I!
Thanks for following everyone! I may only have like less than 2 years experience drawing full time, but it brings me joy knowing that I'm not the only one who enjoys my art.
Here's a quick sketch to commemorate this occasion.
It also shows-off my "realistic" pencil and eraser brushes I made in Krita.
There's some changes I'm planning at the moment so I don't overwork myself on accident. They aren't quite finished yet though...because I've accidentally caught myself overworking on something again (I swear I'm not trying to do it on purpose), but small scale drawings and sketches are going to be the norm for a while until I catch-up with all my unfinished projects.
I'm also going to try and take advantage of the forums to post other topics like little art tips and trick, and maybe even some tech stuff I've learned to optimize drawings, or just me geeking-out over tech in general.
See you next update!