Just a quick little update about what going-on as of late.
You might have noticed I kinda just stopped posting drawings after a while, and the reason is that I'm getting a little busy as of late with multiple big projects.
Firstly, I want to focus on making something special for this upcoming Pico Day. It will take a bit as I'm doing something that kinda out of my comfort zone, and I need to learn by trial & error a few times.
Secondly, I've been getting my hands dirty with Linux again to see if I can improve my setup a little further. I was planning on buying a new laptop, but with how things are going I think I'll just use this slightly newer laptop one of my uncles found in the dump in the mean time.
Thirdly, I've been doing a private commission for someone so that's also eaten a bit of time I'd do for drawing. It's also preparing me if I want to do this type of thing in the future.
And finally, I've currently trying to get into animation for the hell of it, and in my usual fashion, I'm going all out with it. Will it be painful? Yes! But I learn a whole lot quicker when my face is dragged in the mud, so it ends-up being worth it in the end...in a way.
So there's a lot on my plate, but not a lot to show unfortunately. I might do the odd doodle on occasion if I feel like I need to take a little break, but I think things should be a little more normal after Pico Day; still not 100% certain on that but I'll update on what's going-on afterwards.